After an Annual General Meeting
Cooperative Inaugural Meeting
2019 Re-Union Party
25th Annuversary (2017)
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In moving forward from our observation we see that we are all willing to help and contribute our expertise which is a good thing and we are reactivating the subgroups and we expect people to choose the best group each person can serve in.

Its open for all to choose and each group will have a group head which will represent the different group and it’s the heads of the groups that will have meetings and brainstorming session with the Exco/Admin and all will function and work as one united group.

The Groups/Teams

Information/Communication Group Their duties include the following:

Ensure timely information circulation.

Maintain the contacts of all members of the set of ’92.

Employ every possible means to ensure we all stay in touch.

Regulate the activities on our FB and any other platform.

Be the official link between individual ex-commandos of the set of ’92 and the entire class of the set of ’92

Relationship & social support team:

We need to stand with one another from time to time in good times or bad times. Nobody is an island; this team is to ensure we are there to stand by each other. They will have to work with the Information & communication team so as to get the proper status of any member of the class of ’92.

Their duties include the following:

• Maintain and update a database of birthdays, anniversaries, etc

• Devise ways of building strong relationship between class of ’92.

• Mobilise of the class of ‘ 92 to watch out for the welfare of one another.

Finance team:

This team will be responsible for all our financial activities.

Their duties include the following:

• Maintain an update financial statement.

• Keep and disburse monies for the group.

• Give a report at the end of year gatherings.

• Sending reminder for the group’s income

Occupational/ Professional support team

Their duties include the following:

• Maintain and update a directory of profession of members of the class of ’92

• Provide information that can assist in professional advancement or change

• Provide information as it relates to job opportunities/ openings

• Provide information as it relates to personal development and training opportunities.

• Encourage business/career networking

• If possible organise empowerment programmes

The teams are open to as many as want to join them and we will keep refining the duties of the teams as we move ahead.

So please go through all that has been written READ, Understand And READ Again. Thank you for your time.

We close with this quote….

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” Helen Keller